
Friday, March 9, 2012

Project Simplify Week One

Tsh at Simple Mom is spring cleaning and I'm joining in for the next few weeks. Week 1 of Project: Simplify includes decluttering, cleaning and organizing the kids' stuff.

Organizing is hard for me. I love to BE organized but I find it hard to tackle problem areas and purge. Today I went for it and attacked the basement kid/toy stuff and got a lot done. I didn't get everything done but I did enough to be really proud of myself. 

We have a nice, big finished basement, so there is a lot of room for the toys to spread out down there and take over. I worked mostly in the bonus room where we store the majority of the kids toys. I let it get pretty cluttered in the last 6 months so it was a mess. 

I usually have trouble letting go of toys as I have such a wide range of kid ages: my boys are 10, 7 & 3. I've been keeping a lot of things for my youngest to enjoy...someday.  Well today I got rid of a bunch of stuff. Thankfully I've got a charity pickup scheduled later this month to benefit from all the spring cleaning I'm doing.

Main Area
These are the before shots of the biggest room in the basement. Train tracks are everywhere thanks to Luke with Legos all around to complement.

After photos- I made the boys help clean up the train tracks and legos. Of course they quickly found some other toys that I had organized and dragged those out to play with.

3 Walls of the Bonus Room
Before- The three bins on the floor were full of mismatched toys, small pieces and Legos. It took a LONG time to go through them.

Before- the boys pushed the toys all together against the wall to have room for two square.

After- I purged a lot stuff in this area.

Before- not too bad here
After- It's not readily apparent in the photo but the colored bins are now decluttered and organized. I spent a lot of time separating and matching little pieces.

Week one is done! Whew, I'm tired from all I did today but also happy to be more organized!

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