
Saturday, December 29, 2012

People's Choice Awards

Many bloggers host blog carivals each week on specific subjects. These carnivals are great for readers to discover new blogs and read about a variety of topics.  They are also a nice way for bloggers to connect with a broader audience and each other.

One such carnival is Mind, Body and Sole’s Wildcrafting Wednesday which I sometimes join.

This year, they’re doing a People’s Choice Awards. The 10 most popular posts from 2012 have been selected, and now the voting is on! The three most popular posts will be featured in January. And guess what? I was nominated!

You can see all the nominees below. Mine is the first listed, the Natural Vapor Rub.
Natural Vapor Rub for Coughs and Colds by Nearly Natural Nicole
Immune Boosting Tea by Modern Alternative Mama
Sloe Gin by Wildcraft Vita
Garlic:  From Plagues to Panacea by The Family Herbalist
Very Personal Herbal Remedies by The Woodwife’s Journal
Mullein for Colds and Flu by Joybilee Farm
Voting will take place on all four Wildcrafting Wednesday host sites: Joybilee FarmWoodwife’s JournalThe Self-Sufficient HomeAcre, and Mind Body and Sole.  Votes will be accepted from Wednesday, December 26 through Friday, January 4th, 2013 and the three winners with the most votes will be announced Monday, January 7th.  Each reader may vote once on each host site, so be sure to visit each site to cast your vote!

What Are Your Favorite Health And Wellness Topics?