
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Vacation Week & Links I'm Loving

I've been on vacation this week in Wisconsin Dells with my husband's family. We've been enjoying the Waterpark Capital of the World and the amenities of our resort with many water slides to keep us busy. 

I've actually found more time during vacation to leisurely browse the Internet and read some great blogs and news articles and the fascinating book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking. Also I'm participating in The Natural Mothering eBook sale so I've discovered some new (to me) blogs by some wonderful moms.

Here are the links I'm loving this week:

  • New studies confirm raw milk is a low risk food at Mind, Body and Soul. 
  • Disturbing news came out this week about the effects of Splenda in a recent study reported on MSN.
  • A GMO feeding trial exposes serious effects on US pigs fed GMO corn and soy. 
  • Target joins the list of retailers responding to consumer demand by aiming to eliminate all GMO-based products from their "Simply Balanced" product line by the end of 2014.
  • I've been reading the insightful book Quiet during vacation and I'm coming to better understand my natural introverted personality. I "discovered" I'm a highly sensitive person and found a self test by Elaine N. Aron, Ph.D and also a test you can take for your child. I have one highly sensitive boy and Quiet is also helping me understand and parent him better.

My Three Sons by the Wisconsin River

What are you reading this week?

This post was shared at: Small Footprint Fridays

1 comment:

  1. so glad you guys had a great family vacation! looking forward to perusing these links! probably the thing I read this week that stands out the most:
