
Thursday, January 31, 2013

February Menu

Strawberry Poppyseed Salad
This month I'm completely wheat and dairy free. I know I declared last month that I'd try out going gluten and sugar free and I sort of half heartedly did but around the middle of the month I had some candy and it spiralled from there.

I'm sure now that I really will be wheat and dairy free for February. No sips of Joe's beer, no baking muffins for the kids. I'm off the wheat and I'm going to stay off. I'm making some big dietary changes based on the book Wheat Belly which I'll blog about soon.

This month's menu is completely gluten and casein free as I try to transition the whole family toward wheat-free meals.

1 Grilled Steaks, baked potatoes, steamed green beans

2 Slow Cooker Kalua Pig, steamed broccoli

3 Crockpot Garlic Chicken with carrots & potatoes

4 Broccoli Beef in Crockpot

5 Sesame Tuna with Avocado, tossed salad

6 Chinese Crockpot Pork Chops, brown rice, steamed green beans

7 Tacos with Ground Beef

8 Grilled Chicken Skewers (from The Autism Cookbook), roasted sweet potatoes & apples

9 Leftovers for kids, Strawberry Poppyseed Salad for parents

10 Slow Cooker Pulled Pork, Honey Carrots

11 BBQ Crockpot Ribs, steamed broccoli

12 Baked Salmon, brown rice, steamed green beans

13 Dinner out for Joe's Birthday

14 Dinner on the road as we travel to WI Dells for the weekend

15 breakfast: Apple Flax Cake
lunch: pasta & salad
dinner: Crockpot roast, carrots & potatoes

16 breakfast: Bacon & eggs
lunch: Tacos with Ground Beef
dinner: Broccoli Beef in Crockpot

17 breakfast: oatmeal
Meals on the road as we head home

18 Crockpot Vegetable Beef Soup

19 Baked Tilapia, Quinoa, Steamed green beans

20 Crockpot Chicken Adobo with rice, steamed broccoli

21 Crockpot Carnitas in taco shells with toppings

22 Shredded Chicken with Asian GF Noodles (from The Autism Cookbook), steamed broccoli

23 Leftovers for kids, Strawberry Poppyseed Salad for parents

24 Crockpot Garlic Chicken with carrots & potatoes

25 Crockpot BBQ Beef Ribs, steamed green beans

26 Salmon Cakes, sweet potato fries

27 Tacos with Ground Beef

28 Slow Cooker Pulled PorkHoney Carrots

Snacks for this month:
Theatre Style Popcorn
GF Coconut Delights
GF Mocha Walnut Brownies
GF Chocolate Pudding Cake

I'm still figuring out this new way of eating for our family so I'd love any tips or advice!

You can find even more menus at Menu Plan Monday.
(Note: some links in this post are my referral links. Read my disclosure policy here.)

Monday, January 28, 2013

Theatre Style Popcorn with Real Butter

My kids love to go to the movies and eat the popcorn. We recently told them there'd be no trips to the theatre this year as we decided to cut that out of the budget. (Just for the kids- Joe & I still have room in the budget for movies on date night!) After cries of "Unfair!" I determined the main reason for their disappointment was that they really wanted that greasy, buttery movie popcorn and my homemade stuff wasn't the same.

This prompted me to turn to the Internet for ideas and I found out that clarified butter, also known as ghee, is a real food substitute for the junky fake butter flavored stuff used at the theatre. The butter-flavored theatre oil has a lower water content than butter so it makes popcorn less soggy. Real clarified butter has the same effect.

Clarified Butter
Melt 1 stick of butter over medium heat. Once melted it will be foamy on the top. Skim off the foam with a slotted spoon. Continue to simmer the butter for 5-10 more minutes and remove as much foam as possible.
When the butter is clear and you can see to the bottom of the pan it's done. Cover the mouth of a jar with cheesecloth and pour the butter in. The cheesecloth will remove the rest of the milk solids and you'll be left with clarified butter. Wait for it to cool before putting the lid on. The clarified butter will remain a liquid at room temperature, or turn solid in the refrigerator. 

Theatre Style Popcorn with Clarified Butter
Mix 3 tablespoons of clarified butter with 10 cups of freshly air popped popcorn and mix together. Add sea salt for flavor.

This was a hit with all of us and we gobbled it down. I'm happy to have another real food alternative for my family and another homemade item for school lunches.

This post is featured on: Clever ChicksMake Your Own MondaysHomestead Barn HopNatural Living Monday