
Friday, April 5, 2013

UltraSimple Detox

I've decided to try a 7 day detox diet to clean out my system and flush toxic chemicals from my body. I've never done one before but I've been thinking about it and wanting to try one for a while. I ate way too much Easter candy so it feels like a great time to detoxify myself. 

Detoxing is based on the concept that your body needs help getting rid of unwanted toxins from contaminants in processed foods and the environment. In theory, once free of toxins, your body functions better and your metabolism soars so you can shed those extra pounds.

I choose the UltraSimple Diet because I read about it in Experience Life and it sounded short & simple at just 7 days. I also didn't want to buy or deal with anything complicated or weird like herbs, pills, powders, enemas, and other forms of intestinal and colon cleansing that are part of some detox diets. Those aren't necessary with this plan.

I also like that there is no starving or fasting on this plan. I don't like the word diet as I don't plan to restrict myself on eating. I'll follow the plan and won't eat the "bad foods" and instead I'll focus on the "good foods" that are allowed. 

It's only 7 days and I'm really excited to see if I feel better, sleep better and loose a couple of pounds. I'm starting Sunday and I'll be keeping a daily journal as the book suggests and I'll blog about it next week.

Below is a basic outline of the UltraSimple diet.

6 Steps of the UltraSimple Diet
  • Get Rid of Bad Foods — (causes of toxicity and inflammation) 
  • Add Good Foods — (detoxifying and anti-inflammatory) 
  • Detoxify — (cleansing and detoxifying UltraBroth drink, plus herbal laxative as needed) 
  • Reduce Inflammation — (anti-inflammatory UltraShakes) 
  • Relax — (relaxing and detoxifying UltraBath every night) 
  • Reflect — (reflect on, and journal, your learning and feelings during the program) 

Bad foods to be eliminated

(starting with the preparation week, then entirely absent during the program)
  • High-fructose corn syrup and all sugars
  • Trans or hydrogenated fats
  • Processed and junk foods, fast foods
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Foods with additives, preservatives, and colors
  • Caffeine and alcohol (except green tea)

Foods to eat

  • Filtered water (6 – 8 glasses per day)
  • Fish (especially non predatory species such as sardines, herring, wild salmon, black cod or sable fish, sole, and cod)
  • Lean white meat chicken breasts
  • Fresh or frozen non citrus fruits (ideally berries only)
  • Fresh vegetables
  • Fresh vegetable broth (3 – 4 cups per day)
  • Legumes (lentils, navy beans, adzuki beans, mung beans, tofu, and others)
  • Brown rice
  • Nuts and seeds (almonds, walnuts, pecans, macadamia nuts, and pumpkin seeds)
  • Flax seeds (ground)
  • Lemons

UltraSimple features
UltraBroth is a vegetable broth, whose recipe is included in the book. Dr. Hyman recommends one should drink 3–4 cups of UltraBroth per day, as part of a meal or as a snack.
UltraShake also has a recipe provided, and is designed to sustain you, even out your blood sugar, and help control your appetite throughout the day. UltraShake contains essential protein for detoxification, omega-3 fatty acids from flax oil, fiber for healthy digestion, increased elimination from flax seeds, and anti-oxidants and phytonutrients from berries and fruit. Variations are suggested to maintain interest.
UltraBath is a 20 minute bath before bed each night, in a hot bath containing Epsom salts, baking soda and lavender oil to the recipe given. UltraBath promotes relaxation, enhances detoxification, and improves sleep.

Have you ever tried a detox? Do you want to try one for the first time?

This post was shared at Small Footprint Friday, Your Green Resource

Monday, April 1, 2013

April Menu

Spring is in the air and I am ready for more sunshine! I've included some grilling recipes later in the month as I expect the weather to be warm enough soon.

You can see from my cookbook picture above the books I'm leaning on this month.  Make it Paleo is new to me and I love the simple explanations and huge, beautiful pictures of food. I'm looking forward to trying a few paleo recipes as I lean more towards that philosophy of eating.

I didn't cook much last week as it was spring break and we ate out more than planned. My younger boys spent the week with their grandparents in Kansas City so I just had one kid for spring break. I felt very spoiled and undisciplined last week and I'm finding it hard now to buckle down and actually plan ahead for April.

1 Beef Tacos

Baked Salmon, quinoa, steamed green beans

3 Crockpot roast, carrots & potatoes

Crockpot Garlic Chicken, steamed broccoli

6 Tacos with Ground Beef

7 Leftovers, tossed salad & corn

8 GF Pizza and edamame

Grilled Salmon (from Make it Paleo), quinoa, steamed broccoli

10 Baked Drumsticks, steamed green beans

11 Tacos with Ground Beef

12 Baked Tilapia, quinoa, steamed green beans

13 Slow Cooker Pulled Pork, carrots & potatoes

15 Dinner Out- Kids Eat Free!

16 Salmon Cakes, sweet potato fries

17 Grilled Steaks, baked potatoes, edamame

18 Maple Glazed Chicken Legs (from The Autism Cookbook), steamed green beans

19 Grilled Salmon (from Make it Paleo), quinoa, steamed broccoli

20 Tacos with Ground Beef

22  Crockpot roast, carrots & potatoes

23 Baked Salmon, rice, edamame

24 Crockpot Garlic Chicken with carrots & potatoes

25 Grilled Steaks, baked potatoes, edamame

26 Baked Tilapia, quinoa, steamed green beans

27 Tacos with Ground Beef

28 BBQ Crockpot Ribs, steamed broccoli

29 Grilled Chicken Skewers (from The Autism Cookbook), roasted sweet potatoes & apples

30 Sesame Tuna with Avocado, tossed salad

Snacks to try this month:
This post was shared at Menu Plan MondayMama Moments
(Note: some links in this post are my referral links. Read my disclosure policy here.)

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Book Review: Pursuing Justice by Ken Wytsma

The Call To Live & Die For Bigger Things

Pursuing Justice by Ken Wytsma covers the weighty topic of justice in the body of Christ. Not just pursuing justice but being willing to live and die for bigger things. Ken gives a thorough explanation of biblical justice and draws a connection between my joy, the joy of others and the transforming gospel of Jesus.

It took me a couple months to get through all 19 chapters due to the depth of subject matter. I felt like I was reading for a graduate level class so after each chapter I had to pause and consider the topic. Sometimes I had to put the book down for a week or two. The first 100 pages were the toughest for me to get into as it felt like an intro to a subject I was very familiar with already. Once I got to chapter 7 the book picked up the pace and I had a much tougher time putting it down. 

Some of my favorite parts of the book were when I was challenged with new ideas and perspectives about biblical justice today and from the past. I learned about the historical aspects of social gospel and social justice and how the church has viewed those different ideas.

Overall, I highly recommend this book to any Christian looking to become more like Jesus. Pursuing Justice talks about justice not for the sake of discussion but as a bridge to God, full life and happiness.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com <http://BookSneeze®.com> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255
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This post was shared at: Small Footprint FridayYour Green Resource