
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Menu Plan 2/27- 3/4

I've been making a weekly menu plan since reading Organized Simplicity last spring. The weeks when I'm too busy or lazy to get to it do NOT go well at all. We like to sit down as a family for dinner time most nights and having a meal we all enjoy is important. Having dinners planned out makes that much easier.

I plan out my meals a month at a time on Google Calendar and then look at what I've tentatively scheduled each Sunday night to adjust it for that week.  Sunday night I write out the evening meals and activities for the week on a dry erase board in the kitchen for everyone to see.

I'm going to start posting my weekly menu plan here to help keep me on track and accountable and I'm linking to Menu Plan Monday at I'm An Organizing Junkie.

Weekly Menu Plan 2/27- 3/4
Monday: Baked Chicken, baked potatoes, stir fry veggies
Tuesday: Baked Tilapia, rice, steamed broccoli
Wednesday: Tacos
Thursday: Crockpot Chicken with carrots and potatoes
Friday: Chicken Noodle Soup
Saturday: Pizza
Sunday: Leftovers & Burgers
Snacks: Honey Walnut GranolaMaple oat heart sconesGreen Smoothie

Check out my friend Karen's blog for a great description on how she does her menu planning.

Do you menu plan?


  1. I love to do menu planning, but have come to realize that sometimes I have to be flexible and switch things around if needed. At times, I'm too flexible and other times I stick to it too religiously. There's always a challenge to find that proper balance! :) I've thought about using Google Calendar for meal planning... right now, I use Paprika for iPhone and like it ok. Thanks for your link to Karen's blog - I'll check it out! :)

  2. I have tried to menu plan a month in advance but never stuck to it. Currently I do one week at a time for the most part but would like to do more so I can shop less. How often do you go grocery shopping? I plan for Mon-Sun, but the sales start over on Tues, so I was thinking I need to rethink this somehow.

    1. I try to only shop once a week but it seems like I'll run out of something and have to go a 2nd time. Really wishing I could only make it once! Once a month menu planning on Google calendar works well for me because I can enter a meal once & have it repeat once a every week or every-other.
